Friday, December 23, 2011

Spring Ownership.

The beauty of ultimate speed.

Speed of light:  186.000 miles every second.
1 lightyear is six thousand billion miles.
Light shot in a allready established light beam, will accelerate beyond light speed.

Speed of thought:  think of a location, and you are there.

Lightyears away, but still there.

On the other side of the "Big Bang" life is not the same as on this side.
When you travel to another planet, you don`t have to spend a lifetime, you go there in the speed of thought. Exactly the same as we do, when we travel to planet Rii. This can be done only because an existing lightbeam is in place. What took time was to get it up and running, but the easy part of it is this;  You need to be aware of what life is. Life never goes away, it`s only the body where you spend time that ages.